New Music Alert: Kes-Audio Justice

We all know I love new music like I love a new weave! Don't judge! I am currently listening to Audio Justice by Artist Kes. Kes hails from Compton by way of Orange County. The singer/songwriter is so musically creative. To give you a mental picture of Kes's sound just imagine that Prince had a baby with Frank Ocean and Pharrell was the babysitter/music teacher, pure AWESOMENESS right? I'm in love with The Audio Justice EP which features five tracks of funky soul bass beats infused with 80's punk rock and new age hip-hop.With lyrics like, "don't be throwing stones here in this glass house/cause if it comes crashing down/ it'll kill the both of us! on the track Redemption has me saying MESSAGE when it comes to the heart felt ballad. The EP also features Kes's rendition of Lisa Lisa's "I wonder if I take you home", on the song Horses, which can easily be a boys anthem with lyrics like "Horses make her horny" as the catch...