It Happened To Me: The Skinny Lady in Front of Me in Yoga Class

Well Happy New Year HairyKat's! We've been away but we're back and charged up with some great content, contests, and more in 2014. Our first post of the year meets you with great disdain. I recently read an article on XO Jane: "It Happened To Me: There Are No Black People In My Yoga Classes And I'm Suddenly Feeling Uncomfortable With It" written by Jen Caron. The title would suggest that this woman was an advocate for Black People and our need to learn to Downward Dog (sarcasm) but as I read through the article, it became evident that this wasn't the case. As I became more offended I decided it was time to set some things straight! I've copied and pasted the article for your viewing pleasure (Then read my response from the perspective of the heavy black woman!) "January is always a funny month in yoga studios: they are inevitably flooded with last year’s repentant exercise sinners who have sworn to turn over a new leaf, a new yea...