Single Mom Travels (it's kind of a long read, so grab a snack!)

Well Hello There Readers! I've been on a writing hiatus but I've got the sudden urge to blog. A few weeks ago I was hanging out with my son and realized that as far as I'm concerned we have a pretty unique experience in terms of the way we go throughout our daily lives. I realize there's this stigma that as a single parent life becomes so limited and in many aspects this has proven true. However, I've also discovered my own ways to live and provide my child with a happy fulfilling life. There is nothing that can truly distract my child from the absence of his father, but as his mother I've vowed to make his childhood experiences as meaningful as possible in the hopes of presenting to society a well rounded, open minded, curious, fearless, adult. With all that being said, traveling alone and/or with your child are one of those single parent stigmas I was talking about. It seems as though as a woman I should live in fear of the world and somehow nee...