shed so many....ends? (tupac voice)

Have you ever gone to the beautician with your shoulder length natural hair with the sole intention of only getting your ends clipped and walk out with your neck being exposed to an unsuspecting breeze because your hair is now bottom of the ear length. Ahem!

Listen up:

This may be controversial and some beauticians might read this and think her ol' non-professional self need to shut the hell up but Ladies Ladies Ladies I'm here to let you know its all cosmetic. If its not coming out of the scalp its a dead....DEAD!

Now let me explain, does it look good? to have even beautiful hair? of course but let's face it most of us black women have been growing these locks since BURF not BIRTH but BURF...emphasis on the URF!
So to part with your length even if its just a few strands that touches your back when you hold your head back in pictures (not that I know lol) its depressing and crushing.

Truth be told your hair grows from the follicle the root the scalp so clipping your ends IS not IS NOT is NOT going to make your hair grow. You ever clip the petal of a flower? did it grow back? Well if it did its probably because you watered the soil where which the roots live! DUH!

So ladies, am I encouraging you to not maintain your hair so it looks healthy of course not, but I thought I'd spill the beans on the common misconception that clipping your ends makes your hair grow....nope

Tips to hair growth:

Stimulate your scalp
Use Sulfate Free Shampoo
Take Vitamins
Opt-Out of Drinking soda and drinks with Acid and Opt-In to more water
Minimize Stress
Let your boo sweat it out (those natural juices and in umm sweat juices, YOUR SWEAT) is good for your scalp from time to time

When all else fails. Leave your hair alone. You ever wonder why men's hair grows so fast? LOL They dont bother it half as much as we do....


So I wanted straight hair for my birthday so I ditched the curly. Being that I had just came back from Vegas I didnt want to go too expensive but I wanted some quality so I purchased
Bobbi Boss Soft Silky pictured below ($47.99 for 16inch and $59.99 for 18 inch).. I like full hair so I buy more than one pack.

Honestly it was tangling while I was taking  it out of the pack so I don't think its going to last very long. You get what you pay for I guess, and I'm pretty sure if I invest in some "good hair" I'd be good for a while but as much as I cut change color and style my hair I need alternatives outside of wigs. This hair def requires what I call a "blanco de chica" brush or one of these
because it seems like its naturally tangled (even after wrapping it with a satin scarf!) and it sheds horribly. I make an effort not to brush my weaves too much because it splits the hairs but honestly it shed so bad that a piece fell in my eye while I was attempting to put my contact on! Yikes!

I def won't be buying this brand again. Maybe the yaky is better.

All in All check out my birthday hair:

Messy Layers: Curl yes Curl your hair with a flat iron and cut along the crimp line. This gives a "natural" layered look. I'm sure that there is a technical term for the cut but this is the motto I lead with when people ask me to do their hair "I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL!" lol

enjoy :)


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