REPOST! dolf: death of the lace front (let that b#$% breathe)...

This is a re-post with a hilarious video that was sent to me by one of my fav HairyKat Followers!
Check out this video, then have a read....

I have no right to judge anyone, their style or what makes them feel comfortable and confident but Damnit Im tired of these lacefront violators. Its an injustice to the hair weaves and full head weaves waiting to be worn or even that natural hair that just wants to breathe.

So here's why I hate them....ahem.

1. Who's natural hairline is really shaped like that? isnt the point to make it look natural! Were bangs not applicable? I'm just saying since WHEN is your hairline supposed to touch your eyebrows ...confused

2. Are baby hairs mandatory when wearing a lacefront? AND Since when are baby hairs on grown people acceptable. I want to knock the hell out of Chilli's grown self with those baby hairs on her 40 year old face so the Lacefront violators send me through the roof

3. They require forehead makeup...Have you ever put foundation on pantyhouse before going out of the house? I know it sounds crazy right? So what if I wake up next to say a new boo and the forehead makeup is wiped off but the lace is still I then wearing a veil with hair attached to it? I just need to know

I'm just disgusted and I could honestly go on and on about lacefronts. I tried one I wore it once took a picture in it and took it off but I looked crazy! I was in the mirror laughing at myself. I felt like the hair was begging to get someone's attention. If you've mastered the art of lacefronts then more power to you.
But remember they can truly damage your hair line...they arent meant to wear for days...more like hours....originally marketed to celebrities for photos and performances...

me and my lace front....YIKES! I look like a man!

Tried to make bangs! lol!



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