are "chocolate" women still on the back of the bus?

I saw the photo below circulating online of Trina, (Buffy the Body?), Mya, Reagan Preston, and Melissa Ford from King Magazine.

I had to ask myself was the chocolate sister really invited to this photo? She clearly could've  posed closer between Mya and Trina! (I see some space damn it!)

No shade to the other women in this photo but I was actually saddened by the fact that since this is from King Magazine which glorifies the beauty of women in a "sex sales" sort of way of course, why then is the woman of the darkest complexion somewhat hidden? In whatever the message of this photo her beauty still exudes off of the page. She's actually the first person I saw when I looked at the photoBut what are they implying?  Dark women aren't as sexy? Am I reading too deep into this? Its just so obvious, or maybe this was the reaction they were going for?

 I would have rather this photo been a celebration of shades of Black Women as beautiful, but its King Magazine, so I'm not sure if my expectations are warranted in this type of media. I call for a re-do!

All I can say is shame on them!

Nonetheless, In honor of my chocolate sisters, Here's some beautiful Chocolate celebs and their wonderful hair (this is a hair blog! lol)


                                                                    Tika Sumpter
                                                                Gabrielle Sibide
                                                                     Jill Marie Jones
                                                                      Viola Davis
Serena Williams
                                                                    Naomi Campbell


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