I have a thread to pick and its irritating my Sol

Hey Hey HairyKats, Its been a while but I'm back and promise not to leave you for so long ever again. I come to you still rocking my cheap hair. Being the budget friendly conniseuer (spell check) that I am I opt-ed into a yet another hair brand. Its called Sol by Outre. I love how my hair came out. But I have a thread to pick with Sol: My first issue is with myself because I wasn't paying attention when I bought it. Usually when I see 100% human hair I take it at that but the package actually reads 100% human hair premium mix. Which means synthetic. I don't like synthetic hair because it doesn't flat iron, its awkardly shiny, and its SYNTHETIC.... So I already paid for it and decided to move forward. But then I got confused when I was ready to style my hair. which brings us to my second issue: There's not anything on the package that states can be flat ironed, curled, yanked pulled etc. It is true that the hair business is getting ultra fancy a...