I have a thread to pick and its irritating my Sol

Hey Hey HairyKats,

Its been a while but I'm back and promise not to leave you for so long ever again.

I come to you still rocking my cheap hair. Being the budget friendly conniseuer (spell check) that I am I opt-ed into a yet another hair brand.

Its called Sol by Outre.

I love how my hair came out. But I have a thread to pick with Sol:

My first issue is with myself because I wasn't paying attention when I bought it. Usually when I see 100% human hair I take it at that but the package actually reads 100% human hair premium mix.

Which means synthetic. I don't like synthetic hair because it doesn't flat iron, its awkardly shiny, and its SYNTHETIC....

So I already paid for it and decided to move forward. But then I got confused when I was ready to style my hair. which brings us to my second issue: There's not anything on the package that states can be flat ironed, curled, yanked pulled etc.

It is true that the hair business is getting ultra fancy and some of the hair blends can take heat up to a certain degrees but there's usually something on the package that reads that and usually a photo of a hot stove or something.

Anywho, under the care instructions the package reads something to the effect of style as your stylist sees appropriate. Que? I am my stylist and I want to know if I flat iron this mess will it melt....

Yaw know I tried it! LOL! It didn't melt as normal synthetic hair would but it does tangle like a synthetic wig. So I have to keep a wig brush on deck at all times.

The hair  is ok quality, so far (I've only had it in for a few days) but I need Outre to be more thorough with what this hair is a capable of.

Results below:

Specs: 16 in Sol color 4 on bottom retails at about 29.99 a pack
           12 Premium Yaky (Outre) color 30  retails at about $25.00 a pack
           10 1 piece in the bangs color 27 was chilling in my hair drawer lol




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