just let your soooooooooul glo ....how to be the real ms. silky smooth this summer

Summer is in full swing so its time to prepare that summer hair.

Curly with a little color is my personal preference for the summer. The heat as in from the sun and from heating tools can be really hard on your hair when its starts to warm up so get a cool new look that you can wet, get  pulled, whatever you like! lol.

The number one questions to ask when selecting a curly look is will I end up looking like Sister Patterson 4th pew from the front on the right side of church that's been in that same seat for 20 years, or my personal favoirte comparison, Rick James (R.I.P.)

The objective is to look beautiful and free but not like you're trying to make the drip of the jheri curl  return. YIKES!

Summer Weave:

Hair- Bobbi Boss Indi Remi, Soul Wave (my favorite hair to use for curly weaves, unlike that silky one in
the previous blog)  this hair retails at $89.99-$99.99 per pack depending on length, color, etc. I prefer 10 inches for a fuller look.

Styling Tips: Have your entire head braided into a beehive and have the hair sewed in the same pattern. Have the bangs cut to the shape of your face.

Be sure to condition the hair and oil your scalp. Try to not get the oil on the hair.


My personal favortie product for the upkeep of the hair is this stuff: Wave Nouveau (is that creole? lol anyway!)
Wanna Go Natural?
 Summer time is the perfect time to let out those natural tresses.

To achieve a curly look similar to the weave above opt-in to straw sets. You'll need hair straws (you can use regular straws to achieve the same look virtually cut a couple of inches longer than your hair), bobby pins, end papers, and setting lotion

Wash and condition and blow dry your hair as usual. To get a coil effect select a tiny section of your hair and wrap around the straw. ( i prefer to wrap dry) then apply setting lotion to the hair patterned around the straw. Bobby pin the top of the straw wrapped hair to the scalp. Let dry completely.

When you unwrap the straw seperate completely dried curls to get a fuller look.

If this seems more complicated to do yourself then see a beautician. This style usually works better on relaxed hair so consult a professional to see if this is the style for you.

And if all else fails:

Throw a wig on it
 It gets a little hot under the cap when in a wig but the objective this summer is to protect your natural hair. I love my wigs. They feel so free except during intercourse (that's a different blog) but you can achieve the same look and still be stylish. I always condition my wigs to maintain the style of the hair. Curly wigs typically come in human hair so they're easy to maintain and last for months.

My favortie curly wig is Renee by Outre. It cost 29.99 for the wig and 1.00 for the stocking cap to cover your hair. The wig has a comb in the front and the back to secure it in place.

I hope you explore these and other great hair summer options. Remember let your soul glo but don't let it drip! OW!

Happy Summer! Let your soul glow ladies.

Be Ms. Silky Smooth


  1. i was just thinking about getting the wig too renee ... it is cute .... i'm excited now ... i might get her now since you did a review ... i was gonna just wear straw sets ad flexi rod set but .. i might get this at the beauty suppy ... love the blog showin yah support

  2. thanks for the support! will this be your first time wearing a wig? There were some intial insecurities for me but once I learned how to secure them in place it became highly addictive! gives more variety without putting too much pressure on your real hair. Let me know how it works out for you! and be sure to sign-up to follow the blog at the top of the page to enter to win some cool prizes!


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