Track 1: Introduction

Hey Ladies and Gents if you're hairy,

I've deemed myself as a hair connoiseur  and thought it would be fun to blog about my hair adventures. I've tried many styles even wigs.

I've been wearing weaves for years now. It all started at the tender age of 13 my hair was thicker than expired molasses and a press just wouldnt hold. So my mother thought I should get a perm. It was my first perm on my virgin hair. When it was "broken down" and ready to be rinsed out the water was cut off and the beautician wiped the perm out of one side of my hair with a paper towel before the water was cut back on. I suffered nerve damage as in one side of my hair will grow and break off I've tried all kinds of products. My hair just hasnt been the same since. Its very thin but wigs really helped grow it back out because I wasnt bothering it under the cap but that's a different story...

So I just feel more secure with a weave. I love thick full hair and unfortunately its not natural. Lol some guys dislike fake hair but in the dark....lmao I'll leave that one alone.

So this blog isnt to solicit you to use any product, its not even professional advce. Just a journey through my hair adventures and yours too. Let's make this interactive and fun. I'll post pics and let you ladies know what products I'm using in each pic. I'll even give you my spots where I buy my hair.

So if you're ready for  a hairtastic good time PAT YO WEAVE LADIES lol

(natural hair, this is all it does! lol):


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