bad hair days are for the birds?

Is it just me or is there a certain point in time when your hair does nothing you tell it to do. I mean absolutely nothing....Yikes. Well here's some remedy's to make bad hair days for the birds (in non-slang that means do away with bad hair!)

Has your do lost its body and soul? as in Laying dead and flat?

I call this technique, THE FEATHER
Whip out the large curls curling iron.
Part your hair by layer as in from bottom to top
Curl small sections of your hair opposite from your face (like you're doing a flip)
After hair is curled apply some spritz
Get a weave brush and curl gently through the curls creating a feather look like below:


Hair looking frizzy and untamed. I call this look the CRUSH VELVET cause its so smooth lol...

This one is simple. All you'll need is a weave brush, two hands,/or wide tooth comb and some spritz...

Be careful as to not "rough up" your hair. If you followed my "clear polish on the tracks" tip you should be fine from hairs shedding.

Hold your hair/tracks at the root and brush thoroughly to get all the tangles out.

After hair is untangled spray spritz on your hands/or a wide tooth comb and smooth over hair.

You should be "crush" velvet smooth for the rest of the day!


I call this one the DESPERATE CALL

Its rare that you catch me in with a ponytail because I have a really big head and having my hair pulled back makes it look bigger... but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If you have super fine hair like me then you need some THICK products to keep you looking sleek.

Go old school and get the Murray's tin can pomede, mix with conditioner to help smooth it out.

If your hair don't lay down after may be time for your next hair appointment.


Cheers to no more bad hair days ladies!

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