dye, die, DEAD,... pour out a little liquor for those fallen follicles... YIKES

do you ever wonder why hair dye is called dye and not live? lol

or better yet as a child (or adult depending on your forte') have you ever stepped on those crunchy leaves and noticed that the color of the leaf was a lot lighter than the living ones...

hmmm is the analogy making sense yet?

ok...what do you call a black character in the first 15 minutes of a scary movie?


is it sinking in yet yea, yea? LOL

Dye, Die, Dead:

the biggest way to stop your natural hair from growing is bleaching and or dying it. I'm pretty sure the word dye doesnt actually mean die....better yet let's take a brief view at the definition:

def: dye- A substance used to color materials...

Not so bad right. Its just a word but when you dye your hair if you don't take care of it properly I will bet my son's two dollar bill collection that your hair will in fact DIE!.

Most people go lighter over the summer which can be a very poor decision since hair is being dried out by the sun making hair brittle and on the brink of death, but life support is here for you.

If you are dying your natural hair PLEASE deep condition

I really love aphogee products. They have an entire line of products (http://aphogee.com/) but I use the leave-in conditioner

I also like using Hair Mayonnaise by Organic Roots Stimulator:

Both products are inexpensive and can be purchased at your local beauty supply.

Dying your Hair:

For actual hair dying I prefer Clariol Nice n Easy. My favorite color is Light Auburn 6R.

If you will be dying parts of your hair and pairing with a weave PLEASE consult a weave chart and/or dye your hair BEFORE you buy your tracks.

In weave terms the auburn can be paired with a 30 or 33 or a 30/33/ blend.



Another option is semi-permanent color or cellophane which I hear can actually make hair healthier than regular dye.


Cellophane hair treatments work to condition the hair and give a shine to the hair shaft by coating the cuticle of the hair with polymers that give the hair a more glassy texture. Read more: Cellophane Hair Treatment | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/way_5183626_cellophane-hair-treatment.html#ixzz1ROu4VF2f

The only issue with cellophane is if you are starting off with dark hair the cellophane may not be visible. If your objective is a completely new hair color, you may need to "lift" your natural hair color and apply semi-permanent coloring.

My favortie cellophane product is jazzing by clariol

Just a safety warning be sure to do an allergy test before dying or putting a cellophane on your hair.


And if all else fails, if you don't want to touch the natural hair GO FULL HEAD, weave that is Please pick a color complimentary to your complexion; if you are a dark chocolate sister, blonde and orange hair probably isnt for you. I love seeing dark chocolate women with reddish hair, more like reddish brown and not burgundy. I wouldnt recommend burgundy for my chai latte sisters either unless you're going for the retro Charlie Baltimore look, in other words pale...for my milk chocolate and caramel sisters I recommend some golden browns

The only issue is that full head weaves require bangs unless you are lace fronting; in that case if you're prone to moisture as in FOREHEAD SWEAT then the full head weave may not be for you but if you can bear the heat! GO FOR IT!

My summer do consists of

Zury's perm ultra yaky color 4/30 applied as a full head weave. I bought a ten inch and cut to right above shoulder length.
My hair's resting and I still have color!




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