Pat your weave ladies, then gon dust your shoulders off???

That jigga, so supportive...once we're done patting our weaves as Bey instructs, hov gives us permission to dust our shoulders off?

But if your shoulders are starting to look like an El Nino weather system gone bad chances are your scalp needs some treatment. Even though the hair grows from the shaft; healthy shafting and hair follicles promote healthy scalp and ultimately healthy hair.  

Lets go back to the is similar to a plant and how do  plants grow?? through nourished and cared for ROOTS! the more the root is cared for the better the plant looks, correct? that we're on the same page let's try and figure out some causes and elixirs to why your shoulders look like someone finished a bag of Lays and wiped the crumbs on your

Generally speaking those with coarser hair tend to not wash our hair everyday. Rule of thumb is once every week or week and a half depending on how often you sweat, the climate you live in, and of course your hair type. The drier the hair the less often you should wash. In order to take care your hair you have to know your hair. If you're rocking a weave this may be hard to accomplish. Care for your scalp while being weaved up. Opt out of the weave pat. You know its bad when your two your old son rhythimically pats his head as you try and alleviate that unreachable scalp itch. Below is my favorite product to drop on my scalp when I have a weave in. Be careful as the oil may make your weave look oily and stringy. Be sure to drop directly on your scalp.

If you are working the natural hair and/or have just removed your weave the below are my two favorite products to use on my uncared for scalp. Warning these products can be stinky (even the floral scent of glover's mane) but they get the job done.

so ladies, next time someone tells you to get that "chip off your shoulder" , please let them be reffering to your "diva" like attitude and not those flakes falling from your scalp!


"Pat yo' weave ladies, pat pat, pat yo' weave ladies"


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