sorry oprah....we work 9 to 5s:ENTER TO WIN KATRINA'S FAVORITE THINGS

Yes Yes Yes.

I'm no Oprah although I aspire to be as successful as she is. However I'm a working woman with a budget so my favorite things might not be as exciting as a NEW CAR!

But its about that time that I show my followers some love. Below is a list of my favorite things. For the middle class working woman. And yes I AM giving my favorite things away! All you have to do is sign-up to follow this blog and you are automatically entered to win. Fellas sign-up're lady might appreciate some of my tips and will definetly enjoy my favorite things!

No purchase necessary. Just follow me!

So are you ready? Are you jumping up and down? Crying even? we go!!!

1. L'oreal Million Dollar Lashes:

I live by this stuff! It is by far the most affordable best working mascara I've come across and I've tried LOTS!. The back story is I've always had really long lashes but for some reason I wanted to try the whole fake lashes look. Unfortunately when you remove them, whether professionally or in your bathroom mirror you end up with BALD EYES?????? omg I was so devastated. I thought I would have to wear a swoop hairstyle to cover my crazy looking eye. So my quick fix was to just apply HELLA masacara. I ran across million dollar lashes while on my many adventures to Target. Let me tell you my eyelashes are longer and fuller than what they were before. I get accused of wearing falsies...but nope....Just apply the gold bottle!!!!!

2. Smolder by MAC
I have a complex about leaving the house without eyeliner on. I could be on my death bed you better bet these eyes will be darkened lol! I love smolder by MAC because its the darkest eyeliner I could find and its not outrageously expensive. It lasts a really long time too. Idk what I'd do without my smolder.... I'd probably look like this guy: LMAO!


4. L'OREAL Liquid Eyeliner: Carbon

Ok ok I"m sure you're starting to think I work for L'OREAL, They should hire me for this free publicity. LOL! Anyway when I want that good ole sexy eye I use carbon liquid eyeliner I love this stuff. The liner is fine point so it goes on smoother and its much darker than MAC's liquid liner. This ish right FAVORITE!!!

5. Ode to the big girls! I live Forever....even if I'm a size 21....

Ok ok I'm a size 12 but my boobs omg size GYNORMOUS! ...Its so hard to find cute shirts that fit my boobs and my waist and doesnt make me look like a grandma linebacker in a moo-moo!!!! Forever 21's Faith 21 collection is where its at....Cheap? yes....will your clothes probably tear in the bag before you even get to wear it and wont be able to get a refund but instead receive store credit? HELL YEA....but this is my spot! I live in LA so my fav location is in the Fox Hill's mall...the Del Amo (two thumbs down for lacking variety) I dont think South Bay even has the Faith 21 section... I find the cutest stuff here that's affordable, comfy, and trendy....

6. Sleek and Affordable
When I'm not being cheap and I want some quality hair this is my top pic. Velvet Remi. I love this hair...I've never used Indian Hair so I'm not sure how it compares but this is my FAVORITE hair for a straight sleek look.

7. Dolce and Gabbana-Are you the one???
I LOVE smelling like a grown ass woman and Dolce & Gabbana-The One does the job. This is by far my favorite perfume. Its spicy and addictive. It smells sooooooo sophisticated. YUM

8. My nails be sinning!
When I'm being EL CHEAPO by making myself feel self-righteous with my "I can do it myself" attitude I love sinful nail colors. ALWAYS on sale at CVS for 1.99 a bottle. I swear I have EVERY color! It lasts more than 10 days and I dont think there's anything ultra special about it. Rather than paying $6.49 for that Sally's a bit more sinful!

9. The Shameless Plug

How I could I not plug my own work. Let me tell you why "At Odds with God" and "Just-Is Between Brothers/Family Secrets" are my favorite books....because I wrote them DUH. No seriously, I am very particular about what and how I do things and I wouldnt release (put my name on) anything I wasnt fully comfortable about. These books are page turners of mind games. Seriously if you're into the whole mindsex type thing...Check out my books. They're both fiction with very vividly depicted characters. The storyline starts with a young woman that constantly compromises her spirtual relationship by living her lifeTO THE FULLEST...Its funny, creepy, sad, and thought provoking....My favorites! can be purchased at

10. Favorite Charity: Feeding America: Hunger Relief Charity

This is my favorite charity to donate to because I think help starts on the homefront. There's no greater satisfaction than showing gratitude for my blessings than by helping someone else. I don't work for them or any of the other companies featured on this blog (except my books LOL) but this is by far my favorite organization to give to!!!

Wanna to enter to win items from my list of favorite things including but limited to: make-up, hair, giftcards,  a charitable donation made to in your name (you know you need those heaven points!) SIMPLY SIMPLY SIMPLY....SIGN UP TO FOLLOW MY BLOG! no purchase necessary.

Thanks for the support folks and I hope the lucky is YOU!!!!!

take that Oprah!!!(rolls eyes)....just kidding Ms. Sophia.....


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