Full Head or DIE (laughing)!: Avoid the Mullet look with These Techniques

Rocking the curly hair look is all in the technique. In my opinion this style HAS to be worn as a full head weave unless, your hair texture is the same as the actual extenstions you're going to be wearing. Actually this should be the rule of thumb for anytime you're opting into extenstions. One of my biggest pet peeves is mixing that beautiful indian hair with unpressed edges! ARGH!

Anywho, if you've read any of my previous blogs you know I love big full hair and honestly the more hair added to this style the more natural it looks.

I typically rock shorter curls but wanted to go longer this time. I was afraid of looking like rick james, and or having a mullet.

When putting this hair in I learned a valuable lesson: to have layers you must use an EQUAL amount of short and long hair. Otherwise you'll end up having the mullet look.

I tried a new hair this time. Its by Zury its called Idol New Deep Wave. I used a 14 inch on bottom and 12 inch on top. Color 1 rather than 1b...I was being dramatic and likes how the darker hair makes my eyes POP lol.  I originally only bought one pack of each but wasnt comfy with the look: It was a little Mullet-esque. You can see in the pic below how the two lengths are seperating:

So I went back and got another pack of the 14 inch...oh by the way forgot to include prices...14 inch was $35.99 and 12inch I believe was $29.99 in total I spent about $100 bucks on 3 packs of hair.

The Application:

I put this hair in like any other full head weave. I left NONE of my hair out! I braided my hair in a circle (crown) and applied the weave in the same pattern.


The first couple of tracks in the front SHOULD not go in the full circle pattern. You should do a half circle to create an illusion of a part without actually having a part in your head. Otherwise you'll have curly bangs....and I wouldnt want to send anyone out looking like they just walked off of a Soul-Glo Ad

Once the hair is in I would pour a tiny amount of Lotta Body on your hands and rub on the hair to "LOCK" in the curls.



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