Kat Down! Kat Down! The Hairmergency

First a shameless plug. If you need cute earrings to go with your beautiful hair check out www.katkreate.com Ok, let's get to it: HairyKats! I had a straight Hairmergency last night! First of all I always change my hair mid-week which should probably be something I should leave for the weekends, but hey as the saying goes if you stay ready you don't have to get ready! and I stay ready for what the weekend brings! With that being said I made my typical midweek trip to Lux Beauty Supply. I already had in mind how I wanted my hair. I really liked that Boom hair I blogged about previously but when I got to the beauty supply I couldn't decide as there was so many choices and new wig head models sitting in front of me. So Sue (the owner) suggests this Italian Body Wave hair by Bobbi Boss. Her stance was that I've already tried Boom...why not do something new (and Boom is $40 bucks less per pack than Ms Body Wave! HUSTLED! lol). Sue sells this hair for $67 a pack for 1...