a moment of deep thought : the price of fame ...life?

As a child I always wanted to be famous just because it always seemed to be nice for the world to know you, respect you, and love you....but in my adult years I've realized fame comes at a huge price...the same world that loves you will chew you up and spit you out at the second that you are not being the puppet they've expected you to be...

With the deaths over the recent years, even days, of some of my favorite entertainers  I'm starting to think that fame is coming at a cost, life. Jay-Z's voice in the song Hollywood  rings in my head as he utters" it aint for everybody" is beyond a fact.

You have to be pretty mentally tough to not spiral out of control at living your life under a microscope knowing that one false move will make or break you! You could walk down the street and chew gum minding your own business and it could be turned into a story of you humping a dog at a coffee shop and the sad part is the world will believe it without investigating or discovering the truth for themselves. Hell, there's entire segments of media dedicated to them leaving the house with bare faces, something as simple as washing your face will make headlines....it must be tough...

Is fame a choice? Of course! Its as much choice as becoming an accountant, a dancer, a janitor, but its not fun anymore, not for the fans...I think we can cope with what's considered "natural passing" but watching someone you love and respect for their talent and their greatness fall from fame its unbelievable...

I commend the celebrities that have sustained the mental toughness it takes to be just that, without a public breakdown, or a lashing out, that handle the limelight with poise and grace. As I long for moments alone as a working single mother, I could only imagine that it must be hell to forever be surronded by people who probably wouldnt be there if you didnt have a hit record, or show, or whatever form of talent you possess.  Is there any escape from the limelight?  I was distraught at hearing Jazmine Sullivan quitting, I heard Fergie tonight discussing taking a break, I read Beyonce's article of her private travels, I just wonder once you're on, is there a real off moment? Even celebrities that fall from the spotlight are still critized in the media...

Sometimes I still long for that famous feeling, but I'm finding the blessing in being famous in my own right, to the people of my world, that God has surronded me with, that allow me to be myself and still love me, whoever I may be on any given day. My bad days won't be the end of my career. I advise everyone reading this to be careful what you wish for because you will get it...know that "it aint for everybody".. and at the end of the day know that you are loved famous or not!, and that loving yourself is the greatest gift of all.

My mind is always overwhelmed with the thoughts of those that have passed though, wondering what their final thoughts were, if they knew how much people truly loved them, and if this cruel world broke them....They are forever in my prayers and in my heart I wish their souls rest.....

You never know the next person's most inner struggles...offer them love and understanding..rather than judgement..love them...it may give them/save their lives

Rest in Peace:

Alori Joh

Whitney Houston

Anna Nicole Smith

                                                                         Don Corneilus
                                                                    Michael Jackson

                                                                  Amy Winehouse


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