Kat Down! Kat Down! The Hairmergency

First a shameless plug. If you need cute earrings to go with your beautiful hair check out www.katkreate.com

Ok, let's get to it:

HairyKats! I had a straight Hairmergency last night! First of all I always change my hair mid-week which should probably be something I  should leave for the weekends, but hey as the saying goes if you stay ready you don't have to get ready! and I stay ready for what the weekend brings!

With that being said I made my typical midweek trip to Lux Beauty Supply. I already had in mind how I wanted my hair. I really liked that Boom hair I blogged about previously but when I got to the beauty supply I couldn't decide as there was so many choices and new wig head models sitting in front of me.

So Sue (the owner) suggests this Italian Body Wave hair by Bobbi Boss. Her stance was that I've already tried Boom...why not do something new (and Boom is $40 bucks less per pack than Ms Body Wave! HUSTLED! lol).  Sue sells this hair for $67 a pack for 18 inch. Now I was skeptical because ...well...just look at the picture below which is the picture on the pack of the hair.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOT CUTE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I'm sorry but this was not the best example of how to rock this hair. Why oh why would I subject myself to such foolery?! Anywho I kept thinking, that I've known myself to get pretty creative with hair and if I didnt like it I could just take it out...So I went for it.

Before I could pay there was more foolery though....it only came in 18inch or 12inch....now...I wanted longer hair...longer than 12inch and if you've read any of my previous blogs the wavy hair cutting is a bit of a no-no, it requires some skill, technique on the pattern of the hair...blah blah blah....so layers weren't really an option (optical illusion layers as in buying different lengths of hair and installing in...layers..duh!)
I'm like whatever give me the damn hair. So I get two packs and I've been doing the whole two toned thing so I opted for 30 (redish) 4 (brownish)

 I get home wash my hair yada yada and I open the pack of 30...IT WAS TANGLED BEYOND TANGLED...why would a brand new pack of hair tangle?...so I was already irritated...it looked weird but I kept going track after track in a beehive pattern...when suddenly....what's that I RAN OUT OF HAIR....now...I had to go to work the next morning and the beauty supply was closed so this was a Kat Down code red call the feds situation. I had my whole crown (top of my head) to finish...YIKES...

So what did I do...if you've been following this blog since the beginning you know I believe in recycling weaves by either creating other styles out of old hair OR saving it for  HAIRMERGENCY situations. Lucky for me I had some Boom hair left over ... the pattern of the curls were slightly different and the Boom I had left was 10inch hair so I wasnt sure what was going to happen.

 I finished my hair and looked in the mirror and saw: o_O

^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS STARING BACK AT ME IN THE MIRROR^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So I panicked and started cutting until I got to this look:

In other words, tt was just getting worse by the minute.

The more I messed with it started to go straight and tangling it was just all bad. So I put my thinking cap on...or I would've ended up putting a wig cap on.... grabbed some pink lotion moisturizer (just a little, this stuff gets greasy) and my favorite leave in conditioner to bring some calm over the hair.

 I applied both twisted the hair in 4 sections and let it dry. When I woke up this morning I said a little prayer "please dont let me look crazy Lord" to be exact and peeled off my scarf, untwisted my hair and stumbled upon a miracle IT WAS DIVINE! lol ok...just cute! But the hair just needed a little taming...Now I love it and I'm happy with my decision!

Wooh that was a close one HairyKats! Check out the results below! and while your at it  enjoy my new favorite song from Tyga's Careless World Album that dropped this Tuesday! ( Its a  REALLY good well thought out album, I like it better than Drakes.....GASP!)

Italian Body Wave Results:

Tyga ft J Cole- Let It Show


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