the hairykat tracklist: amor on-dawn richard

Dont worry HairyKats I'm getting my hair done today so you'll def get a new blog about some new hair do's but I had to comeback for another round of the tracklist because I'm uber excited about this one. While doing my usual new music search Monday night I came across the Dawn Richard-EP titled Amor On. Its 10 songs. My nosey self decided to check the label it was under and of course Bad Boy was not listed. Shocker? Nope! Its the Bad Boy way! Check Mase, 112, Day 26, must I go on...the only one still on Bad Boy, is well Diddy. Anywho, if you loved the sound of Last Train of Paris you'll def love this EP. Its ecclectic, rhythmic, yet melodramitc. I love it! Its uptempo base beats track after track to lyrics that are heartfelt and soulful makes for one good EP. Hey if this is an EP what is her album gonna sound like? Sheesh. This woman has definetly created her own genre, her own sound! Guess that Last Train to Paris was real...Dirty Money aint coming back! ...