the hairykat tracklist: the mf life by melanie fiona

Hey HairyKats,

Its time for some new music. So The MF Life by Melonia Fiona dropped last Tuesday. I spent my time with it and I like it...but I have to be in the mood to listen to it. Its her sophmore album which is in my opinion an artist's make or break moment, for the most part .

For a sophomore album she's definetly evolved as an artist. Her voice is raw! its real! there are no machines! which is what I love. I feel like this album is reflective of her diary/journal at a very specific point in her life. Which gave it a sort of montone feel, emotionally, if you are the type of listener that connects music to what you are feeling. For some artists you can listen to one of their albums and it will curtail to your every mood. I will say though, that this album definetly breaks the mode for what we all expect for an album to be you know 3 pop song like singles, 2 vocal displaying ability songs, a super bass track featuring the hottest rapper at the time, and then some random love song.

Melanie, keeps it simple yet refreshing, which for an artist is very creative and very daring, and something as a listener I honestly have to get used to! I just found myself wanting the mood to change as I listenend to the album, it does in a since with tracks such as "Change the Record" ft. B.oB. ( lol pun intended I suppose)

In all honesty, while listening to the entire album I just feel like her team of people... said "wow look how well you did on the 2009 'It Kills Me' single and let's make an entire album of those types of songs" which isnt a bad thing by no means and I could never forsee Ms. Fiona doing  a "pop-like" tune in a million years but I just felt like "the meal would be perfect if there were one more dash of salt"...if that makes sense...

With that, she does collab with some heavy hitters, specifically  J.Cole, Nas, B.o.B., Snoop, and John Legend. Whereas her 2009 album The Bridge had no features.

Do I love the I like it alot! I'm excited to see what's next for her. And if you have the opportunity to see Melaine Fiona live, DO SO! Its a must. She's vocally amazing that is indeed undeniable. and in light of this blog...isnt her hair always amazing?

Check out my favorite song from The MF Life album titled : I Been that Girl and some pics of the gorgeous Melanie Fiona's hair!:


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