new entry on the hairykat favorite things list: black velvet hair co.

Hey HairyKats,

So we all know I go cheap with the hair sometimes because I change styles colors and textures so often.

 But I've recently heard  from my friend Ashley over at Ashlee Magazine. ( about Black Velvet Hair Co.that has affordable hair that just looks amazing and they deliver. They carry Virigin Remy Indian and Brazilian Hair.

I'm eyeing the Wavy straight Indian Hair for my next hair expedition. Don't say I've never given you anything! :)

Here's a blurp from their website  check them out!

"A woman’s hair is her glory!”
In today’s world, a woman is identified and defined by her hair. The same has been true for centuries, as the Egyptians were the first to use extensions by tying strands of gold into their hair.

The elevation of a woman’s status by the quality of her hair is our inspiration in bringing you, our loyal customer, the finest and most luxurious hair in today’s world wide marketplace.

At Black Velvet Hair Co., we use only the most exquisite 100% virgin human hair to ensure that you always look, feel and radiate elegance.

Experience the Black Velvet difference! Our showroom is conveniently located in Downtown Los Angeles and we offer complimentary wine when purchasing our hair!

Come and relax, enjoy a few tranquil minutes in our showroom.

We can also deliver our hair directly to you, or to your stylist just before your next hair appointment! It’s up to you!

Demand Black Velvet Hair when YOU need to look your best!"


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