The show Empire premiered tonight on Fox. It stars Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard. Terrence plays a music mogul Lucious working to build an Empire/Legacy for his children while being troubled by the transgressions of his past one of which, is Taraji's character, Cookie, his ex-wife being released from jail after doing 17 years on his behalf. He also struggles with the present state of his health ( btw please no ice bucket challenges for fictional characters! he has ALS), which is the driving force behind his ambition of creating a legacy for Empire. Veronika Bozeman gave us the opening vocals as an Empire Artist, and boy was it beautiful, even when she was made to sing it over! I found the show to be entertaining although I couldn't help but feel like it was a continuation of the movie Hustle Flow lol. I kid. Kind of, I think it was Terrence Howard's hair! But in all seriousness I'm elated to see so many shows starring African-American casts,...
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