the HABITS challenge

Although this blog focuses on the things that drive/influence our outward beauty, its is much more important that we focus on beauty in other aspects of our lives.

Supposedly it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

Habit meaning an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

I present to you the HABIT Challenge. Its time to break old habits and begin new ones. Are you in?

H- Honesty. To be apart of this challenge we must be honest with ourselves about where we are and where we want to be.

A-Active. No habit can be broken or formed without action. Get moving.

B-Behavior. Our surrondings influence our behavior. Adapting new habits and breaking old ones will be difficult if our environments remain the same.

I-Initiative. Make a decision. The very definition of Initiative is leading action. Let positive decisions lead you to better habits and away from dangerous ones.

T-Tenacity. Stick to it until it becomes involuntary.

If you are in, we will use this blog to support one another in this process, share our stories, our challenges, and our triumphs.

The challenge will focus on spirtual habits, physical habits, mental habits, and financial habits. They could be things we need to stop doing or things we need to start doing. Ideally they will be measureable so that we can discover how far we've come.

Every 21 days we will add or more remove another habit in the hopes that we maintain our progress to be our best selves.

I am starting today.

Here's my habit list

1. Spirtual Habit - Say a thank you prayer Every single morning before I start my day.
2. Physical Habit- Do 200 squats everyday and only consume water
3. Mental Habit- Take 5 minutes out of each day to be completely alone
4. Financial Habit- Take my lunch to work everyday, and eat lunch at home on weekends. 

This is what I'll be focusing on. I hope that we can build a HABITS community. Are you in?

 Feel free to share what you'll be focusing on.

Good luck and God Bless!!!!!


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