ace da youngin-the classic

I was first introduced to the sound of Ace Da Youngin on the Roots to the Treetop radio show this past Tuesday ( so I decided to check out his album titled The Classic available on Itunes.

Ace Da Youngin reminds me of a Young Nas-Jay-Z-Talib-Young Chris type mesh. 

Ace released his first album The Classic, June 20th , 2012. He gives us poetic lyrical content over head-bopping production. With heartfelt thought provoking songs like Pop Dukes and Her Song to Me to slick talking tracks like That's Bad and Pimpin in French ft. DC The Classic is a good solid album.

Check out the single from the album That's Bad and Other Ace da Youngin Tracks:

That's Bad Video

Ace Da Youngin-Right Here

Ace Da Youngin-Non-Fiction


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