shame on me: sorry mark! ...check out Inglewood's Hair Solutions

Shame on me for having a hair blog and not blogging about my favorite salon in Inglewood.

Mark Brulee the Owner of Hair Solutions in Inglewood has been cutting Kayden's hair for over a year now.

Let me tell you the first time Kayden walked in he was crying and screaming and trying to escape his fear of the shears, but now the kid just walks in comfortably and sits right in the chair with no problem.

Mark does men and women's hair. So head on down to 252 S. Market Street in Inglewood and get hooked up!

Make your appointments today:

310-491-5053 (salon) or call Mark on his cell (310)594-1626

BTW: Destiny is also a stylist at Hair Solutions. I'll be sitting in her chair soon! She can press some hair yaw! Check em out!!!!


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