The Conversational Lush gives us a Refill: Elle Varner's Perfectly Imperfect

We met Elle Varner on BET's music matters in 2010, where she showcased her captivating vocals. She teased us with her mixtape this past winter titled Conversational Lush. And now, we get a refill with her debut Perfectly Imperfect.

 Her  vibratos remind me of  Chrisette Michelle and her raspiness reminds me of Jazmine Sullivan,  which would worry me a smidget as a new artist. To the untrained ear, you'd seriously think this was either of the two, Christte Michelle or Jazmine Sullivan.

Despite the distinct comparison,  the catchiness of the Re-Fill single and her distinguished beauty is a start to getting our attention and letting us know she is Elle, but as she progresses in her career, I hope that she finds the formula to keep our attention, in ways that sets her apart from other artists of her genre. Notably Elle plays the flute, piano, and guitar. I would love to see her hit the stage and/or studio with her raw voice and guitar and give us that good feeling that only live music can deliver.

With that,  Elle Varner can sang without a doubt! I love raw voices, that aren't overpowered by studio techniques and that is definetly present on every single song of this album. I think she's representing real music and by real music, I mean relying solely on her God given talent to deliver and evoke emotions, whatever they may be, to all that listen, and that talent being her voice. I would love to see her blow up and I hope she gets the push and exposure her talent warrants her to receive to appeal to the masses.

Her album is Perfectly Imperfect with 11 solid songs of good music. Imperfect because it leaves you wanting more but I get A/R and budgets and all that good stuff. Her album features J. Cole on opening track and 2nd single Only Wanna Give it To You. This album is definetly what I call zoned. I'm ready to light my glade candle and just zone out. I hope that her sophmore album isn't far behind, or at least another mixtape is released in the interim.

Nonetheless, Elle Varner is dope, and Perfectly Imperfect, is refreshing.

In light of this blog check out some of Elle's stylish looks (she's gorgeous!) while you vibe to my favorite songs from the album Stop the Clock (bet money this her next single!) and Not Tonight.

stop the clock
not tonight


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