which image really matters? : the mirror or the world?: dove's real beauty sketches

I thought this was a neat story originally posted by The Huffington post that covered Dove's real beauty sketches.

Women were interviewed and described themselves to a sketch artist who drew photos of them and then were described again to the sketch artist, by strangers that the women had spent time with. There were drastic differences in the sketches.

It seems like the self portraits focused on the women's flaws, whereas the strangers described them completely different, highlighting their attributes.

 I think often times our insecurities are self-inflicted. People's perception of us is no where close to what we see. While it's highly important to be self aware, I also think its important that we lighten up and not be so tough on ourselves or beat ourselves up for what we lack. We're all divinely crafted. Its time to appreciate that.

I think self-perception is something common that everyone struggles with. The underlying theme is to love yourself enough to appreciate the great things about yourself.

Check out the video below and feel free to leave your thoughts.

I think its pretty cool of dove to remind us to "love the skin we're in"...did I just market for them? LOL.


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