The Street Credit Collection by Kat Kreations

Hey HairyKats,

I'm happy to announce that Kat Kreations has officially launched its Street Credit Line which is a collection of apparel with powerful statements that are uplifting, trendy, and fun.

The notion behind Street Credit is redefining what it means to be "macho" or "bad". Generally speaking the most respected and idolized people in the hood are those that put in the most work, the biggest drug kingpin, the female with the hottest body, but what about the people that make it out of the hood and out of those circumstances to afford themselves better lives?

That's Street Credit to me. I wanted to do away with the notion that to see the ability and necessity to redefine our environment and circumstances makes us "sell outs" or oblivious to our roots. Street credit is the celebration of the people that go against the perpetual recycling of minorities into a system of generational curses of oppression and poverty.

Street Credit is not being defined by adversity, of understanding the delayed gratification of wealth and prosperity afforded through education and careers, and affirming that our culture is not represented by the societal views and perceptions that are on television and radio.

What I didn't want is for people to see this as being something that frowns upon people who's story isn't that of rising above their environment but rather the first step in influencing a generation of hope and change for the betterment of our youth and society as a collective.

To shop Street Credit Collection visit:

For more on Kat Kreations visit


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