The Song I wish Nicki Minaj Would have Written : (Good) Looking Ass Man

I'm pretty sure by now you've all heard Nicki Minaj's new song Looking Ass N**gas and the backlash from the use of Malcolm X's photo on the artwork for the single although his message and mission was a direct contradiction of the song and somehow she didn't think that his photo paired with the content of the song wouldnt offend anyone but instead would pay homage...blank stare. 
The song is an "anthem" for girls who are irritated by the types of boys that look their way.Maybe I don't relate because as a grown-up I don't choose to be in places where these type of boys hang out or exist. I guess that's my issue,   Nicki Minaj isn't a girl anymore in fact we're the same age.
 I'm not judging her, that's not my place but I'm tired of these songs! Its like ok, we get it! Do something original, different, excite us!  Its her inability to portray herself as a grown woman in her music that grinds my gears. Her lyrics are all banter and jabs at people that she looks down on, "stupid hoes" and "looking ass n**gas" to be exact. Where's the longevity in that from a musical career perspective?
Here's my gripe,  I just wish these artists including Nicki Minaj, who have the ability to appeal to a wide variety of people put out content that portrays something positive like who they appear to be off the mic and off camera versus who they are on wax. But that doesn't sell of course and if the goal is to sell music then, proceed, or not. Is this our fault? We support it!
By the lyrics of the song Nicki Minaj knows everyone's looking and listening and I think she had the opportunity to shock the world and spit some real shit that would embrace the good men out there ...we pay so much attention to the negatives that we make them powerful.
Even in the responses to Nicki by the likes of Trey Songz, he mentioned that he wasnt talking to the good girls...but I wish he would.. there's bad b**ches and bum ni**as all over tv and music but what about us?..can we get a song that makes us feel good rather than songs used as ammunition to tear each other down. Could you imagine that some content was released that made young men want to be better than the stereotypical downgrades spit in the lyrics of this song?
For once I want to see an artist break the mold and use their commercial success to spread a message that I think many people would relate to cause everyone's not a Looking Ass N**ga or B**ch. In just one song. Doesnt even have to be an entire album.

 We can't wonder why other races of people don't respect us if this is how we get at each other. I'm not asking for an advocate or an activist but a bit of social responsibility wouldn't kill anyone.

This song says to me that "you black boy are worth nothing, and here's why, and instead of encourage you and uplift you, let me remind you of everything you aren't". I mean you make a song called "Looking Ass N**gas" and then you prance around in skimpy outfits groping yourself and try and dictate who looks at you? I'm confused!
Just my thoughts, What do you think?
Here's the song I wish Nicki would've written:
"(Good) Looking ass man/ pants above his waist with a belt ass man/ difference between a father and a daddy ass man /hell yea he got bands/ got a career and a hustle cause he's a working ass man/ not a clubbin ass man/ but he will stay home and have a sip with his lady ass man/ romancing ass man/ flowers everyday of the week just because ass man/ he a stomping ass man/ cause he pledged with his brothas in college ass man/ prioritizing ass man/ 401ks vs Gucci ass man/ travelling ass man/ cause he rather save up than impress his friends popping bottles ass man/ he's a stand up man/ got goals on goals/ go getter ass man/ open doors ass man/ ain't insecure he's a proud ass man...."
...drops Mic


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