Check Out Draft Day in Theaters April 11th

Hey HairyKats,

I got the opportunity to check out a private screening of Draft Day hosted by Trang  Hamm @tranghammco and Mike Hill @itsmikehill starring Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner which hits theaters April 11th.

Based on the previews of the film this movie wouldn't have necessarily been one I would pick to go see at the movies. I'm just not a football movie type of girl, so I didn't have many expectations for the film.

I must say though, Draft Day was good to the point that I found myself talking to the screen out loud.. I liked that it was simple.  Simple in a sense that the storyline wasn't this huge dramatic ordeal. It almost felt like a fictional documentary, if you will: A Day in the life of the business side of the NFl, on Draft Day where  Kevin Costner plays the role of General Manager for the Cleveland Browns.   The producers of the film took a concept so very simple and gave enough suspense, and twists, and turns to keep us moviegoers engaged.

There is a "love story" aspect to the film between Jennifer Garner and Kevin Costner's characters, but for some reason I wasn't feeling their dynamic as a couple in the film. There was some awkwardness there and I'm not sure if that was the purpose/nature of their relationship in the film, or if it was just me.

I also wanted Kevin Costner to have a bit more"umph" in his character, he just played it way too cool for me throughout the film. He just seemed unbothered by the climax of events in the film, which again could've been the objective. Despite this, he undoubtedly played his role.

The theatrical trailer ( makes the movie seem like a very serious film, and it definitely has some serious moments, but I found the movie to be quite hilarious, not just at certain points, but throughout the film. Don't worry I wasn't the only one laughing, there a more than a few scenes that had the audience tickled. There was some clapping too. The movie didn't feel like it was two hours long either. Half-way through you're so into all the events taking place within the film, that the time just passes you by.

I really enjoyed the movie. I'm glad I saw it.

Make sure you go out and support the film which hits theaters April 11th.

P.S. there is no requirement to understand football to watch this film, you will be educated!


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