How the On the Run Tour is Stealing My Joy

Hi HairyKats,

We are days away from the LA On The Run Tour starring Jay-Z and Beyonce and although I want to be excited about attending its becoming a bit more stressful than anticipated.

Back in December 2013 my good friend Millie and I went to see Jay-Z at Home Depot Center. It was hands down the best concert I've ever been too. I've been a Jay-Z fan for years and had never seen him live. To be in the same room with him was such an amazing feeling. The concert was the week of his birthday and Beyonce was also performing at Staples that next week (don't judge my stalking ok lol). So in my head she was going to make a cameo apperance at Jay's show. I waited all night. It didnt happen. Millie and I discussed how we would love to see the two in concert together as they are by far both of our favorite music artists.

And it happened. On the Run flashed across my screen as I scrolled on facebook months later. I screamed like a white girl in a horror flick when she falls after twisting her ankle and Jason had caught up to her. This was serious. I text Millie and there was no question that we were going. She even text her twin sisters that they were going too. I was estatic.

I waited for the day that pre-sale was occuring. I will never forget being at work. The clock went from 9:59 to 10:00 am and within 20 seconds the tickets were sold out. I was disappointed and in disbelief. I started to search the internet and found some tickets. The $50 tickets on were going for $216 dollars each and there werent 4 seats together ANYWHERE. I couldn't afford that but kept telling myself its about the experience. Nonetheless, I found some more reasonably price tickets that were still overpriced and would probably get me in the front row at any other concert. The seats are awful but I just wanted to be in the building. To experience the musical and performance genuis of Beyonce and Jay-Z for a music lover like myself, was just something I couldnt let go of.

The show is on Saturday and I received a text this morning about parking from another good friend that's attending as well. I've been to many concerts and never ever has a venue sent an email about parking. But I get it, its Jay-Z and Beyonce. I tried to be efficient and buy a parking pass for which they are sold-out. Awesome. So instead of jumping for joy about this concert that I've been dying to see, I have to figure out where to leave my vehicle in enough time so that I dont miss the show. I know that once again people are going to take advantage of Beyonce and Jay-Z's fans and charge us 80 for parking space that's free on any other day. Since I work in the area I have some ideas in mind but all these logisitics just suck the joy out of going to the concert anyway. I've never experienced this sort of misfortune and anxiety when attending any other concert.

I'm disappointed that the fame of Jay-Z and Beyonce are being exploited and the fans are being taken advantage of. Maybe its not a big deal and maybe I'm just in my head and everything is going to work out perfectly, which it usually does, but I just long for the good ole days where fun and excitement felt priceless no matter how much the ticket to get in,  which I originally imagined this concert to be. Especially after seeing Prince for $25 and the man did 8 encores! Parking was a no brainer and its an everlasting memory. So seriously, this is just too much for me.

I'm going to snap out of it though, and get out of my funk and just try and look forward to the day and sharing this experience with my dear friend Millie. I cried before the Jay-Z concert back in December from excitement ( again don't judge what you do not understand lol). But all the logistics involved with On The Run have me feeling meh.

And seriously, can the media please stop with the divorce rumors? It seems like they didnt start until the concert kicked off. I'm not sure what sort of publicity this is or isnt but enough is enough. Its sickening to see how people thrive and find joy in gossip and tearing people down. I get it, we live in new day and age, but I remember when entertainers were loved for their talents and we, fans, didnt have so much access into their private lives. I liked it that way. It made the distinction clear for me as to who were the talented ones and who was just thirsty for fame. Now, everyone's famous. But that's a different blog.

Nonetheless, Wish us luck on Saturday. All I wanted was to sing hella Jay-Z and Beyonce songs with my eyes closed, when it was my part, and lose my voice from screaming in excitement.



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