Chris Brown Puts the X in R x B

Hey HairyKats,

Its been a while since I've given you all my two cents on what's happening in music and I'm excited to give my brief run down on Chris Brown's latest album.

As you may already know Chris Brown released his sixth studio album titled X this past Tuesday. I got my copy a little early but wanted to enjoy it in entirety before I decided to write about it. I've been waiting for the release of this album since Fine China was a single which seems like was such a long time ago.

In this new era of music its been quite difficult to hear music and feel something other than the need to bounce :it", lol! Honestly, R&B is definitely transitioning into rapping at a slow speed because the content is virtually the same as all the rap songs. "Bitches, hoes, I stole your chick, ladies love me, blah blah blah". I must admit The release of Loyal as a Chris Brown single had me a little hesitant about the album but Breezy did not disappoint.

At first listen I had already picked out my favorite songs. By the second day of having the album I knew 60% of the lyrics and even found myself signing Lost In Ya Love in my sleep.

I'm a longtime fan of Chris Brown's music so I recognized that he stuck to his formula of giving us a few dance tracks like Don't Be Gone Too Long and Add Me In, a few ratchet hits like Loyal & Came to Do, and pure ballads of heart felt, feel good music.

The reason I fell in love with this album is believe it or not, the lyrics. Where other's lyrics have no depth or seem so typical, Breezy is singing poems on this album. There's a certain vulnerability about him on this album that I don't feel like I 've ever been exposed to in his previous albums.

 One of my favorite songs is Autumn Leaves featuring Kendrick Lamar With lyrics like "I've been bleeding in your silence/I feel safer in your violence/I hold on like leaves/ and fall to what is left/ before I sleep I talk to God/ he must be mad with me/its Karma/I'm confused as to whom I'll spend my forever with" you get drawn in to the core of the music, the words. Its invigorating and thought provoking. My love for music has always been the parallels of a song and my life, or my mood and X does it for me.

One of my other favorite tracks on the album is titled Drunk Texting featuring Jhene Aiko. The harmonization of Chris Brown and Jhene Aiko on the entire song gave me goose bumps. This song is like quenching your throat with ice cold water after an extremely hot L.A. Winter Day. (You've got to be out here to get it LOL!)

Breezy also keeps it sexy with songs like Drown In It featuring R. Kelly and Songs on 12 Play featuring Trey Songz, which is a play on words as an Ode to R. Kelly song titles. Body Roll Dance in the car anyone? I think so!

This album is refreshing for a true R&B lover. There's a glimpse of hope that the romantics in contemporary music has not gone missing. I'm a little bashful to write that I appreciate this album. Its an escape from all the ordinary music being played on the radio. It puts me in the zone!

So, if you haven't already get your copy of X by Chris Brown.

Check out a snippet of my #1 favorite track from the album titled Lost In Ya Love (I play it at least 8 times a day and sing with my eyes closed on the 110 freeway! YAS Chris YAS lol)



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