are you the next "ahairican idol"?

The stage is set. The lights are bright your family is in the audience screaming your name while the rest of America is cheering because that guy with the sign that says "applause"walks on stage " just walked by. You've waited in line for this...audition after audition and now you're in the top 10. Your spolight comes on and you show the world what you're made of. Good, quality...HAIR!

That's right! Its been a while but I'm back and ready to spill the beans about my hair adventures. I have yet again found a new hair. Its called take a wild guess "Idol"

Its pretty good and in an affordable price range... I mean Ive been known to be a supreme penny pincher but I dont mind spending 60 bucks a pack on quality hair...that's for 10inch, if you want to go longer than of course you'll pay a little more. It goes up to 18inches which is about 100 bucks a pack...I like thick hair so I use two packs of hair.

I've had it in for a week in a half and I've flat ironed a couple of times. Its pretty low maintenance so far. We'll revisit how I look in about two weeks. Its very natural looking I'm giving this hair 2 thumbs up!!!
Are you the next Ahairican Idol?????????? Sign up to follow this blog and enter a chance to win free hair and hair products. Its simple just sign up and follow.

10 inch idol remi hair 27/30 on top 1b on bottom (and fyi I've been using million dollar lash mascara by loreal!!! check out that natural length! lol)


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