This blog is for the working moms, the women on the go, that doesnt have time for hair maintenance but likes to try different styles.

This is also for the women that just rather not deal with their own hair, but doesnt want to commit to one style by getting a weave!

Its called the 3/4 wig!

These babies are simple and almost maintenace frEe and provide the flexibility of changing hair styles.

Our hair model this week is Aja. She is a working mom with lots of hair but doesnt have time for all that it takes to maintain just one hairstyle. She also didnt want a weave so she opt-d into the 3/4 wig....

Technique: Section parts of your hair that you're going to leave out to blend with the wig. The rest of your hair can be braided into cornrows or a bee-hive to keep the hair under the wig flat.

Aja wanted a very low maintenance hairstyle so she had me braid her edges too! No pressing, or waxing...just virtually shake and go.

By braiding her edges we made the 3/4 wig two different hairstyles.

The wig pictured below is by Sepia the Style is Waltz and the color is a 1.

Here's our accidental funky, trendy, hair-do

There are four combs on the wig you secure in your braids...for added protection in case you have a HOT DATE or you might want to had a few bobby pins.

If you're not feeling this adventorous just whip your bangs like willow smith....back but not forth to the other side of your head to create a more sophisticated look.

I love how Aja's hair came out. Like she's fresh out of the shop.....the best part of 3/4 wigs you can take them off! and switch it up! I ask you...CAN YOU WIIG IT?


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