channel orange: "its an endless experience like an Ocean to be Frank"

I'VE GOT MY COPY. I've waited so long for this album you have no idea!

On the brink of Ocean's coming out to the world just last week, Channel Orange  will be a spectator sport to some listeners. Is he going to speak on it? Should I interepert his music differently?  Let me tell you the music speaks for itself. Ocean offers the tenderness of his persona through his dynamic vocals. He offers us the realness that he provided us in that open letter. He provides us with bravery through his sound of giving us something different in the world of music where everything else sounds the same.

 With my love for falsettos I am over-the-top in love with this album and Frank Ocean as an artist. Its one of those just close your eyes and vibe albums. Its one of those let's ride out to some good music albums, or let's just lay here and hold hands albums. (no one does that? , well after Channel Orange you will!)

The New Orleans native has been ghost writing for some of our favorites from the Beiber to the Queen Bey, to the Legend, John that is. We've heard him on Jay-Z and Kanye's Watch the Throne on songs like "No Church in the Wild" and "Made in America" and Stacy Barthe's "Without You".

I was personally introduced to Ocean's music by my favorite filipina on our way to have a night on the town last year. 2011's "Nostaligia Ultra" is the mixtape where everyone was expressing their "Novocane" sentiments to their non-significant others: "love me now, when I'm gone love me none, love me noneee" to be exact. HA!

His voice is raw, his talent is raw, this is simply musical genius. Its so refreshing based on our musical options that we're offered today. I'm not quite sure how to classify it. Is it Neo-Soul? is it R&B? is it Hip-Hop? I'll just call it out of this world.... Mars like, Channel Orange. There should actually be a new music genre called Zoned. This is definetly an album I can zone out to. All thoughts disappear. I get lost in the content of  each song. Its Euphoric. This album is an endless experience, like an Ocean, to be quite Frank (pun intended, you like that dontcha?, lol)

With this being his first studio release,he didn't go for the typical formula of having featurings on every other song. He kept it simple so that we get more of him on 17 tracks of vocal goodness. He teamed up on three songs featuring Andre 3000 on Pink Matter, John Mayer on White, and Earl Sweatshirt on Super Rich Kids.

Check Out my favorite song Super Rich Kids ft. Earl Sweatshirt (is that an Elton John sample?)

And here's a link to stream the entire album on Frank's tumblr. ENJOY!


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