Author: Katrina Franklin, The Maintenance Man

Hey HairyKats,

I'm gearing up to release my next book titled The Counselor. To get some momentum going I thought I'd post some short stories on here. I appreciate the support in advance and if you haven't already, checkout to get my published titles in ebook and paperback format and don't worry I'll still be bringing you the deets on hair, music, and everything in between.

Check out: The Maintenance Man

Today was one of those days, I didn't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, be bothered, I was just in a slump.
I told myself not to fall in love. It happens everytime, especially with a married person, but you can't help who your heart chooses.
They always promise that they're going to leave and never do. They use you. You're just a vacation from the work that it takes to maintain their established relationship. I couldn't stop thinking about it as I sat in my van enjoying my lunch.
 I got a call over the radio for my next job.
"276 Byrson Street from the inside roof in the bedroom of a two story home" The Operator read over the radio.
"Got it!" I replied.
I took the last bite of my turkey sandwich, licked the mayonaise from the corner of my mouth, drank my Arizona Iced Tea in one swallow and headed to my next job.
I turned up the  radio as I started my van. I needed some music to cheer a brother up but all that was on was Climax by Usher.
I sang off key "going nowhere fast" all the way to 276 Bryson Street.
I pulled myself together and headed to the front door.
The house was nice. It was cozy in size yet expensive looking. The grass outside was neatly manicured. It was mocha colored with brown trim. There were large glass front windows. I assumed an older married couple lived there.
The front porch was marble tile of brown and gold. It was beautiful.  It spoke "charge a little extra for this job you're about to do."
I rang the door bell a few times before I got an answer.
She opened the door and my heart began to pound so hard I could feel it through my ears. My stomach was in knots. I even felt a little gas seep out of my ass.
I couldnt believe it. I had never been to their home. We always went to my place or hung out in really nice hotel rooms.
She glanced me over almost not acknowleding me never even making eye contact.
"My husband will show you the problem. I'm going for a run".
Just as soon she spoke, she left the house so quickly almost knocking me down.
The brush of her shoulder against mine made my heart sink in disappointment.
I tried to maintain my composure as I was greeted by her husband.
He walked down the stairs of their two story home in his boxers and a towel over his head.
"The problem's up here, follow me" he said.
I followed him up the stairs to see the leak. I tried to focus on the work but my mind wandered and my heart was enraged.
This was their home together. This is what I wanted for us and someone else had it. I was angry I was hurt.
I heard him saying breaking my thought of calling her a million bitches in my head.
"I said will you need a ladder?"He repeated sounding frustrated.
"Umm, yea, thanks" I responded.
He left the room to retrieve the ladder.
By the time he returned I had fled to my van to escape the overwhelming feeling of jealousy that had overcome me.
I couldnt breathe, but I couldnt lose this job. I needed the money and couldnt let my personal issues get in the way of my money.
I pulled myself together and returned to the house.
I went back inside and didnt see her or him as I looked at the roof.
All of a sudden I felt a hand reach between my legs as I stood on top of the ladder. It startled me so much that I almost fell off.
"I didn't mean to scare you"
Still on the ladder I yelled "What the fuck are you doing" feeling enraged, confused, and turned on at the same time.
"I've missed you" I heard as I was caught off guard.
I quickly got off the ladder as we stood face to face.
"I can't do this, not here, its not fair"
"Look, I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you" which was followed by a kiss.
Before I knew it I was laid across the bed moaning in ecstacy when suddenly I heard a gunshot.
The room was spinning, it went dark, I felt the wetness of my blood as it exited my head.
I saw lights, I saw my mother, the day I was born, I saw the day I won my first little league football game,
I saw my 21st birthday party out with the fellas, the strippers, my ex-girlfriend, the birth of my daughter and then nothing.
I came to as I gasped for air and I choked on my blood. I was dying. I yelled for help but it was nothing but a whisper.
I tried to crawl but couldnt move.
I felt like a  fish out of water.
"I called you here" I felt a whisper in my ear.
"You got the nerve, to have sex in my house, after you ruined my marriage, in MY house, that I worked hour after hour, night after not to pay for, you just come in my marriage, and disrespect me. Take everything I have?"
"This will be your last job, Mr. Maintenance Man"
Another shot went off.
She had found out about he and I.


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